Saltwater Crocodile basking on a rock, Kimberley (W8)

Saltwater Crocodile basking on a rock in the, Kimberley, Western Australia.

The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), also known as the estuarine crocodileIndo-Pacific crocodilemarine crocodilesea crocodile or informally the “saltie”,  because it lives on the coast and can swim in the sea.

It is the largest of all living reptiles, as well as the largest ruparian in the world.

SKU : W8

Canvas (44 x 140 cm)

Canvas (60 x 180 cm)

Canvas (73 x 224 cm)

Canvas only (140 x 44 cm) no frame

Canvas (180 x 60 cm)

Canvas (224 x 73 cm)

Canvas (53 x 80 cm)

Canvas (80 x 120 cm)

Canvas (80 x 53 cm)

Canvas (120 x 80 cm)

Frame (34 x 69 cm)

Frame (47 x 103 cm)

Frame (69 x 34 cm)

Frame (103 x 47 cm)

Product price: $50.00
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